Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why You Should Go To The Temple....Now.

You know, as I started going back to church, I kept getting these urges and feelings to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. I thought this was strange, because I hadn't been to the temple in 9 1/2 years....why now? And why so soon since I had returned to church? I disregarded these feelings for a few weeks, then talked to my missionaries and they urged me to listen to these feelings and to also talk to my bishop about it. I met with my bishop and we made a plan for me to get my temporary temple recommend. I was super excited.

Soon after that I met with my bishop again, and received my temporary temple recommend. I could go do baptisms! How exciting! I soon planned my first trip.

Being from Richfield, UT, the closest temple to me was the Manti Temple. I had only ever been there to do baptisms. My grandma Joann and Grandpa Mac would take me, and we would go with my great Uncle Larry and Aunt Marie to do this. What amazing times we had. It is about an hour or so to drive to Manti from where we lived, and we would all take my grandma's green van. I never realized how much I would cherish these times together.

Grandma Joann and Grandpa Mac
I am SO thankful that my grandmother extended the invitation for me to go with her to the temple. I didn't fully realize why I was going, or understand the significance of what I was doing there, but boy am I grateful beyond words for this. My grandpa wasn't LDS and a part of the church for a lot of my childhood. My grandma (as far as I can remember) was always a faithful church-goer. She was the organist for the ward and pianist for Relief Society, and was also a member of the ward choir. I would go with her, on and off. Eventually, in 2003, my grandpa made the decision do be baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints - the day after my birthday! What a birthday present.

It was soon after this that my grandma asked me to see if I could become temple worthy. Like I said before - man am I glad I made that decision when I did.

Growing up in Utah, I never realized just how many temples we have so close by. Growing up in South Central Utah, where the temple was accessible, with no great feat or saving up of money to get there, just a nice family drive, I have taken this great opportunity for granted. Reading about others' temple experiences and the feats that they had to go through to get there amazes me, and gives me a deeper appreciation for the blessing of having 14 in my state that I can attend, and some within only 15 minutes away.

I entered the Salt Lake Temple on January 13th, 2015 for the first time. The temple workers there were so wonderful, welcoming and happy. They welcomed me with open arms, and directed me where to go and exactly what one is supposed to do. I was so nervous! I felt so silly that I was 25 and didn't know the routine! That was never a thought that crossed their minds. The temple wasn't busy that day, so I was able to have a very personal and private experience in the baptismal font. It is something I will never forget.

The Salt Lake temple is very similar to the Manti temple, and being there immediately brought back memories of times when I would go with my grandma and grandpa to the the temple. I was the first grandchild that my grandma Mac baptized when we did baptisms for the dead. It was such a wonderful privilege and experience to have with him there, in the temple. One I will never forget, and am sure to cherish always.

I have set a goal to attend the temple monthly. So far, I have kept my goal, and sometime exceed it! What a wonderful feeling the temple brings me. I feel my grandma's spirit there. In the SLC temple, I am often times back in the Manti temple, with my grandma Mac and Uncle Larry. My grandma is nearby, watching, smiling. I am so proud to say I am her granddaughter. To say that I am my mother's daughter. I am proud of my family and my ancestors. I am proud of the work they did here on this earth, both here of the world and temporally. I am excited to raise my future family in this wonderful church,and to continue my family's legacy.

As I wrote about before, I am going to receive my endowment soon, and just got my temple recommend to do so. I am so happy! I am also nervous, scared, and sometimes doubtful of myself. Am I ready for this commitment? Am I ready for this level spiritually?? After talking with a ward member and good friend, he said something to me that brought instant comfort: "Bishop knows when you are ready. You may doubt yourself and wonder, but he knows when you are ready for something."
I am so lucky and blessed to have such supportive friends and ward members and leaders.

I realize I don't know much about what becoming endowed means. I decided to do as much preparation that I can to be ready for the day that I go.

You guys! We have such AMAZING resources!!!!!!!! The world is filled with such accessible knowledge!!!! The website is such an amazing site. It is here that I found more information about why LDS members build temples, what happens inside the temples, and the blessings of the temple.
----If you haven't been to a temple open house or have had the opportunity to attend the temple, click here to see what's inside and learn some more about the temple!!

This is what it means to receive an endowment:


One ordinance we receive in the temple is the endowment. The word endowment means “gift” or “bestowal.” As part of this ordinance, we are taught about the purpose of life, the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. We gain a glimpse of what it will be like to live in His presence as we feel the peaceful atmosphere of the temple.

I know this isn't a novel. It's not even a page! But after reading this, I instantly felt much more knowledgeable. I instantly felt like: I am ready to receive this information! I can and will understand my purpose here on life much more. All my feelings of insecurity and unworthiness left.

I go to the temple for several reasons.
  • I go to feel closer to my Heavenly Father. 
  • I go to do temple work.
  • I go to remember my ancestors; to give them the opportunities to accept the blessings and ordinances of the church.
  •  I go to be with my grandma Joann.

Once again, I urge all of you to go to the temple. If you're unworthy to go, become worthy! You can do it. There are so many blessings there waiting for you!! Your Father loves you so much and wants to be with you! You are invited by so many to go to the temple. Do not be afraid to go alone. There are so many who are willing and waiting for you to ask them, and to go with you.

My love for this church, my Father in Heaven, and for all of you, my brothers and sisters, grows so much more each day. I learn so much from all of you. 

I'll see you at the temple. :) 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Keep Going

You know, I am continually surprised by how easy everything is not. I know that sounds silly, but it's true. It's something a long the lines of, "the grass is always greener on the other side."

Listening to Al Fox Carraway speak at events, and by reading her blog, I am comforted knowing that I am not the only one who is feeling this way.

At the Roots Tech event she spoke about her conversion to the LDS Church and the struggles that she went through AFTER her baptism. That peaked my interest. How could thing be MORE difficult after her baptism? Things are supposed to be easier after making the conscious decision to choose God and choose Jesus Christ.........aren't they?

Without the bad, we cannot know the good. So, there will be struggles. There will be times that we are so confused and so upset and dealing with so much. But we need only ask God for help, and for the reminder that He has so much more planned for us that we can ever imagine.

I am soon to get my endowment.
I thought the process would take a while, months, maybe even a year. I thought I could talk to my bishop about it and then work towards it. I wasn't worried. I wasn't planning on going to the Temple for my endowment soon. I was excited to work and to learn more about my Gospel, and my Lord.
I was about to be very surprised.

I met with  my bishop and he interviewed me. During this interview, yes I was nervous. I didn't want to be told that I was a total mess and had to work a very long time to receive my endowment. But i was ready to be told to wait and to pray and to study and to attend a temple prep class. At the end of the interview questions, his response shocked me. He told me, "Okay McKel, I believe you are ready to go to the Temple."

I was shocked. So soon?? Was he sure??? Weren't there other things??? There had to be?! I was about ready to tell him I wasn't ready! No! Abort mission abort mission!!
I didn't abort. I felt a calm feeling come over me. I took a breath. I replied, "Wow. This is great."

I still feel like I need to abort sometimes. Like I need to stop. Because if I go through with this, I am making covenants and promises, and I am expected to keep them. It's like Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility." It's true. With the knowledge that I have and with my mission here on Earth, there will be MUCH opposition. There will be difficult times........some so hard I haven't even fathomed what they are going to be. But I won't know the good if I don't accept the bad. I won't grow into who I am supposed to be if I don't go through these trials. Satan is on a mission too. He is on a mission to convince each and everyone one of us that we are not worthy. That we are awful, bad people who aren't good enough, and should just give up. Those are all lies. Please don't listen to them.

I am nervous. I am afraid of disappointing myself and my Father. I doubt myself.
....But I am trying to doubt my doubts before I doubt my Faith. (President D. F. Uchtdorf, Gen. Conference 2013)

"Hard times will consistently be there. will Christ." -Al Fox Carraway, RootsTech

There is opposition in all things. And, it couldn't be that way. Good things don't just come and come and there be no bad things. Hard times will continuously and consistently  be there. I am now realizing that this is to remind us (I know this is especially true for me) that we can't  do it alone. We can't. God is there to help us and love us and guide us. He has given us so many amazing tools! Not only do we have the prophets of old, but we have modern prophets here now on this Earth today! They give us revelation almost daily! They have twitter accounts and tweet! (isn't that cool?!) I love looking on my phone and seeing words of inspiration and guidance there instantly from my prophet. Yes, MY prophet. And your prophet. We have scriptures that we can get ON OUR PHONES. It is so accessible now. We can carry theses ancient stories and precious words with us Everywhere we go, whether we are traveling overseas or just across the street. I urge and encourage you to take the time to read them! They even read to you! I love that feature. If I know I am running late or don't want to sit and read, I have them read to me from my app. We have the Ensign, New Era, Liahona. We have the Internet and, and, and all of these great sites to help us, and answer our questions. Let us use these.

"Do not let giving up be an option." (Al Fox)
This helps me. This reminds me.

"Keep going. Even in the most confusing and darkest of times knowing that the greatest of blessings are already there, waiting for personally and individually YOU." -Al Fox

Forget not, why you are here.

Friday, February 13, 2015

2015; Holy Crap. It's Twenty-Fifteen.

Oh my gosh. How can it already be 2015? It's nuts! I'm 25! Almost 26! Half way to 50! Geez.

Well, at least 15 is my lucky number.

So, life is great. It has sure changed a lot for me.
Thanks to my super fantastic cousin, Shelby, and my wonderful loving mother, and of course a few
other things, I've had the opportunity to receive my temporary Temple Recommend. I know this might not mean a lot to you, but it sure has helped me and is one of the most amazing blessings that I've ever received.

Those of you who know me, know that my Grandmother and I were extremely close. One thing she and my Grandpa and I would do is go to the Manti Temple and perform baptisms for the dead. (if you aren't LDS or don't know what this means, click here. To get more information about why we do this check out this link here. Seriously, do it! :) ) She passed away in 2009, and I miss her more each day.  Anyway, for me to be able to go to the Temple has been so great for me. Not only am I able to do something I love, it helps me feel my Grandmother's spirit, and helps me to feel closer to her. If you're in the Salt Lake area, hit me up and I'd love to go!

I have set a goal to try and see all of the Temples. I know it's a lofty goal, with 144 Temples in the world. But 17 of those are in Utah!

Also, I am suuuuper addicted and in love with Family History and Genealogy. I have been working on my line on my biological father's side, and have found out some AMAZING stuff!!! I just found my bio father a few years ago, and I'm just reconnecting with him and his family. My family! I am sure glad that I have been. If you want to learn more about family history and where to start, try Family Search. It's free!!

Sorry this post is so disorganized, but I had to start somewhere.

I want to share my love that I have for all of you. I am grateful for Temples! I am grateful for my opportunites to go to the Temple and worship; to feel the love of my Savior and to reconnect with my acnestors and provide them opportunities as well. I encourage all of you to be Temple worthy and to go as often as you can. I love the Atonement and the blessings that it brings.

 Until next time.
